Incident report

If you believe your vehicle has sustained damages on an Icelandic highway, from a pothole or other cause due to the road‘s condition, you can notify the IRCA by filling out an incident report. Please fill out all information asked in order for the IRCA to have adequate information about the incident. Please send the incident report to tjon (at) .

It is only possible to report damages that occur on highways to the IRCA.

Once the IRCA receives the incident report, an assessment is carried out on whether the IRCA is responsible for the damages. Processing can take from two to three weeks.

The liability of the IRCA is stipulated in Article 56 Road Act (Vegalög) no. 80/2007:

Veghaldari vegar sem opinn er almenningi til frjálsrar umferðar ber ábyrgð á tjóni sem hlýst af slysi á veginum þegar tjónið er að rekja til gáleysis veghaldara við veghaldið og sannað er að vegfarandi hafi sýnt af sér eðlilega varkárni.

Please note that, according to this provision, the IRCA is only liable for damages on vehicles resulting  from road conditions, if there is established negligence in relation to the maintenance of the road in question. In addition there has to be proof that the driver of the vehicle exercised reasonable caution.

If the IRCA is liable for damages, it compensates for losses according to presented invoices in the event of minor damage to a tire or a rim of a vehicle (up to ISK 100,000). In other cases an assessment of the damage has to be carried out by an authorized workshop.

The following chart shows the roads which the IRCA monitors within the capital area (marked in yellow and red).